The Education Of Greg Teraccianno
Greg Teraccianno is the “Tire Man” for the 2007 Waterford Speedbowl SK Modified champion VoJan team. Rob Janovic Jr. drove VoJan’s 12-year old car to his first-ever championship.
It was long before VoJan (the combination of co-owners John Volpe and Janovic) became an entity that Teraccianno’s “education” began. He came to the Speedbowl with Janovic and Janovic’s brother Gary in 1987 ready to do battle in a one-time C.J. Frye Late Model. The car was purchased from Artie Moran.
“It was Jimmy Rixx that came up and asked ‘what are you guys running for stagger?’ Janovic begins. “’Stagger, what’s stagger?’ I asked him. After he explained what it was I turned to Greg asked him ‘Are you any good with fractions?’”
Teraccianno’s “I’m OK with them” was more than enough for Rob Janovic to make him the tire man. “He’s still got that job,” says Janovic.
“We had our tools in a cardboard box,” Gary Janovic remembers.
What made Rob Janovic think he could do battle with the like of Phil Rondeau, Larry Cote and Brian McCarthy? “”I’ve always had stubborn pride,” he says.
Sources: Waterford Speedbowl PR
- Ken Cassidy Jr. – Mini Stock Champion
- Rob Janovic – 2007 SK Modified Champion