Testing at Monadnock Speedway

Most of the cars were just happy to be out and take a shake down trip around the track a few times. The 81 NEMA car was checking the car over after Waterford last week, found a problem with the wheel. It is all good now and he was enjoying the seat time.

Sean Boudreau was behind the wheel of the 45 Modified. Looks like Mike Stebbins has upgraded from Mini Stock. He was loading when I got to his pit, but took a quick shot of his #66. Being so early in the season, there were a few cars without numbers and/or lettering. Among the familiar faces were Beth Adams, Julia Raymond, Joe Kendall, Tyler Jarvenpaa, Kim Rivera, Bill Kimball, Robert Thompson, Ernie Boudreau, Bruce Clark, Hillary Renaud, and John Lavoie. Next week Monadnock will host the Valenti Modified Racing Series.

Sources: Crystal Snape