Nearly $130,000 Raised for Local Nonprofits During NASCAR Weekend at NHMS

The New Hampshire Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities and volunteer organizations combine to help children in need
and New England nonprofits.

LOUDON, N.H. – NASCAR weekend at “The Magic Mile” proved to be successful for local nonprofits with the dedication of both the New Hampshire Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities (SCCNH), the official charity of New Hampshire Motor Speedway (NHMS), and the many volunteer groups who helped fundraise nearly $130,000 during the July 15-17 NASCAR event weekend.

SCCNH hosted seven events over the course of race week, including traditional favorites Laps for Charity, Sign the Track Wall Banner, 50/50 Raffle Presented by PPG, Track Walk Presented by PPG, and Wicked Good Live Auction, plus two new opportunities: Cornhole Tournament Presented by NBT Bank and Hot Laps. These events helped SCCNH raise more than $98,000 for local children’s charities and groups.

“Once again, New England race fans stepped up in a big way for children in need throughout the region,” said Danielle Cyr, director of the New Hampshire Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities and marketing for New Hampshire Motor Speedway. “We are beyond grateful for the generosity displayed by our fans, sponsors, and volunteers. I can’t wait to see the magic that happens when we hand out this year’s grants to local nonprofits in December.”

Each December, SCCNH distributes grants to local nonprofit organizations in the region. In 2021, 23 grants were distributed totaling $136,500. Since its inception in 2009, SCCNH have distributed more than $1.9 million supporting more than 882,000 children across New England.

In addition to funds being raised for SCCNH, teams of motivated fundraising groups, many of which are from New Hampshire, also help NHMS over the course of NASCAR weekend to benefit various New England nonprofits. From grandstand cleaning to landscaping to parking and concession stands, these volunteers help make the speedway look its best from green flag to checkered flag. In return, these groups are paid as a way to fundraise toward the nonprofit organization they represent. This year, 29 volunteer groups raised nearly $32,000 during NASCAR weekend to help their chosen nonprofits.

SCCNH will host its next fundraising event, Laps for Charity, on Friday, Aug. 19 from 5-7:30 p.m.

For more information, please contact New Hampshire Chapter Director Danielle Cyr at

Follow Us:

Keep track of all of the New Hampshire Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities events on the charity website and by following on Facebook (@SCC.NH), Twitter (@SCCNHMS), and Instagram (@SCCNHMS). To donate directly to SCCNH, please visit

Sources: Shannon Stephens, NHMS PR

NASCAR Cup Series driver Austin Cindric (white polo in center) joined New England race fans for Track Walk Presented by PPG, one of seven events hosted at New Hampshire Motor Speedway between July 14-17 to benefit the New Hampshire Chapter of Speedway Children’s Charities.