Endless Summer

We begin that part on the season reserved for open all-star events. They usually take place in warmer climates and entice us to extend our season just a little bit longer. I remember the movie about some surfers who just followed the sun around the world looking for another place to surf, Endless Summer. Can we be consumed by the pursuit of another checkered flag? Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It is easy to get obsessed with racing, anywhere, anytime, any type of car. When we are trying to make a name for ourselves and get people to notice we can extend ourselves too far and do more harm than good. I think it is important to take a step back and honestly evaluate the direction we need to go. God should be a part of that process. We need to seek His guidance and direction for our career as we explore the options the future holds. Dan and I have been talking about making decision and trusting God with you for the last few weeks. It is not the easiest thing to do, I know, I can get so caught up in getting there that I forget to enjoy the ride. I have to remind myself, “I am here because I am not all there.”
